Friday, March 21, 2008

What the heck is Gollum?

Ok, so I think we should have called them your "ilookedlikeshitinthispicture" picture, 'cause folks like me have continuously wondered what in tarnation the 'Gollum picture" meant. (Yeah, I googled it...and I get it now.) Here's a 4th of July picture that spurred my interest in Curves. Good goly! I look like the Sam that ate Sam. Yikes. I don't mind the hair, and I have makeup on (thank goodness) or people would have been down right frightened! Ta Ta.



Amy said...

You look gorgeous, as always. You don't have Gollum pictures, you're always a hottie. I hate the Amy that ate Amy pictures. Always good motivation, though. I've never seen Jason with a beard thingey...or seen that much of his thigh :)

jlcumber said... are so pretty it is crazy! And what is Jason becoming the Mt. Man???


If this is the worst photo you can find of yourself, you don't get to play. Did you see what Jen, Leanna & I posted? THAT is Gollum. THIS is not. Whatever, hotty cakes! On our best day, we all wish we looked like you on your worst day. Why did you get all the cute genes?

Sam said...

You guys are so freaking awesome. How did I get so lucky to have you amazing, supportive wonderful ladies for cousins? So I post this shot of me with an arse that runs down my leg, with rolls of chubba, and those sausage arms, and yet you guys still find something positive to say. You're great. (BTW...there are FEW pictures of me that are like, recent. I am the picture taker, not the picture there really aren't that many.)