This is a Birthday blessing my good friend read to me this past year on my birthday. I just love it, and I love her!
Birthday Blessing
May you sip contentedly from the fragrant wine of your life.
May you stretch eagerly into the opening light of each new day.
May you discover kernels of wisdom hidden in unwanted experiences.
May you find comfort and sonsolations when you are hurting.
May you know the protection and guidance of your angels.
May you hear the tender voice of the beloved calling to you in the deepest part of your being.
May you have a soul friend whose unconditional love gives you courage to keep growing.
May you be the bearer of loving-kindness when you meet those who suffer.
May you gather your daily blessings to your heart and relish their presence.
May you never give up seeking greater peace for yourself and for your world.
May you got to sleep each evening aware of being held in the embrace of a merciful and welcoming God.
May you hear the marvelous music singing in your soul every moment, lauding the exquisite gift of being alive.
Joyce Rupp
Mom and Dad say Happy Birthday, too! We Love you, Jenny. We're so lucky to have you in our family.