Friday, February 29, 2008

Dimple Inheritance???

This is a post for Ashlynn. I am just thinking...maybe your rogue one dimple comes from another source? I don't know...I am just sayin...maybe? :) (Ok, so mine is hard to find in all the double chins and wrinkles, it's on my chin, not my cheek, and it's on the right side...but I am just never kno.) Photo courtesy of Emma...nope, I am not deranged...just look like it today...ok, most days.


Amy said...

Oh my gosh, Kaila has the same one, it is hereditary!!!

Amy said...

You are beautiful as always!

jlcumber said...

I didn't know it came from BOTH sides of the family. The Komps told me that Grandpa Komp had one too. Hmmm.