Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm a Copycat...My Friday Flashback

I just wish I could see the bottom of this you I was wearing black leg warmers! :) Too funny. I bet we are saying "we are waaaayyyy to cool to be hanging around here, let's go do something totally tubular!" Happy Friday, all!



Now that you have 'copied', who are fully obligated to continue copying for the rest of your blogging life. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Flashback Fridays! Now, where was this photo taken? When? etc...

Sam said...

This was taken at Christmas time at my parent's house...circa, let's see '86ish???

Amy said...

Welcome to Friday Flashback, now you're obligated every week. I remember that dress, it was hot. For reals, it was. It looks like we could have been on a date with each other, what a cute boyfriend I make.