Here's the back to skoo pics for 2007-2008. E got her new hairdo on her birthday...the day before school started. She has been wanting a "boy" haircut for some time, so she was so excited. We hadn't quite perfected the 'do by day one, but we are getting better and better. Just in time for picture after tomorrow. This year we're busy...imagine that. Volleyball three days a week, mom is coaching. Football two times a's coaching. Fiddle one day a week. That leaves Sunday without an activity. Phew. As one of my life's favorite professors once said "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." I am a friggin saint, then. Fo sho. Happy Back to School... A couple weeks late. :)See that little tooth hole there. Yep, first tooth..gonzo! He pulled it himself with no tears. He's no biiiotch.. my tough little man.
Mr. Serious..
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
NICE HAIR EMMS!! Tbone isn't looking too bad either. Cuties, they are....
SO, where did you get this background? I wanna copy. They have tons. Pretty coo.
Thanks. Hair is getting better and better. I am learnin.
Guess Rhonda got the hint. And so did I.
Your sweeties are adorable.
And also, thanks for your help.
You know that was Aunt Jan and not GG. But she thinks your sweeties are adorable too.
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