Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Am I Bluuueee?

Yep, I knew already. Thanks to Dr. Verl Anderson's easy A consumer behavior business course I took in college, I knew which color group I was. He was sooo yellow. He even showed us movies of fellow yellows (I so funny), and acknowleged that blue with strong red tendencies was a scary combination. Uh oh. So I am still violet...violet, right? Blue with a hint of red...

Charactered Traits

  • articulate
  • pragmatic
  • a leader
  • engaging of others
  • enthusiastic
  • persuasive
  • self-regulated

Healthy Traits

  • detail conscious
  • nurturing
  • loyal
  • intimate
  • analytical
  • thoughtful
  • compassionate
  • dependable
Unhealthy Traits
  • emotionally intense
  • hard to please
  • judgmental
  • guilt prone
  • self-righteous
  • a perfectionist
  • worry prone
  • self-critical
  • overly sensitive
  • unforgiving
  • jealous
  • low self-esteem

Dysfunctional Traits
  • naive
  • afraid to face facts
  • indirect communicator

Check out this statement from my comprehensive analysis:
"As a core blue with secondary red, you have the most complex personality known to man. There will never be a dull minute in your life, although at times you would love to simply be white and let the world go by. "

And this gem. I have always felt a bit Cybil-ish. Now I know why!
"You are the ultimate paradox—emotion first, with strong logic secondary. In the end, emotion will always rule your heart, but your behavior may often tell a completely different story. Since you know your heart, you assume others know your good intentions as well. This is rarely the case, however. Others often pull away from you emotionally, which causes you emotional pain since your driving core motivate in life is Intimacy. When you see the needs and wants of the red and blue personalities, you can easily see how yours is, at best, a crapshoot as to whether people can read you accurately or not. You have a hard enough time reading yourself. You may be extremely generous on one occasion and refuse to even participate on another."

Ok, one more...BINGO! Insert my face in the dictionary under this definition.
"You face an intense internal struggle as well as often sending mixed messages to those with whom you interact. You have a strong sense of perfectionism, which comes from fear of not measuring up to your own expectations and the expectations of others—you are never acceptable to yourself simply as you are! You want things done right and can’t understand why others don’t share your same enthusiasm. You get so frustrated with others’ poor performance that you finally criticize them for not paying attention to details (red limitation) and then apologize repeatedly for being so curt."

Ha Ha Hee Hee Ho Ho. This is darn true, this last 'un. Phew. Funny and enlightening. I miss Dr. A. He was a fun yellow fellow. :)

Thanks, Aims. This was fun!


jlcumber said...

Whew...That is deep stuff girlie. I should have read deaper into mine, but was at work. I will have to go back and check it out.

Rhoda said...

Uh, yeah. I guess my attention to detail isn't great. :) I will read further and then re-post. My post is SOOO lame. I only have three bad character traits listed. Than couldn't be accurate, could it? hee hee

Sam said...


You're so silly. I think it's just you being your yellow self...all is sunny when you're yellow! :)

Amy said...

That's so you. I wouldn't think of you as Red, because you're so "heart", but you're also a leader and driven, so there you go. What a cool balance. Kenzie's the same as you, and there's way too much yellow in this house for that kid. She can't wait to get out of here. Not that she has anywhere to go, her dad is yellow/white!