Monday, March 8, 2010

How are YOUR index fingers?

I was just over in the main office using the paper cutter. The Marie Antionette-like large 1960's contraption that every office cannot live without....that one. I really thought I was paying attention, talking to a co-worker, cut, talk, cut, talk. She left the room and BAM! Almost chopped the tip of my index finger off. Now it's throbbing, hot and turning purple. Fun stuff. As I got to thinking about index fingers have truly been through the ringer. (Not a desperate attempt at a pun, I'm serious.) Anyway, this finger...the now purple and not-severed one, also had itself SMASHED barbarically in a large 8+' metal and glass door at our local jewlery store on or around August 3, 1996. How did I remember the date? I was dropping my wedding ring off to have it soldered right before my wedding. My poor little finger had to be bandaged on the big day, and you know what? It has never been the same....and boy neither have I! (Slight digression.) The nail grows improperly and funky looking...there are two layers. Ick.

As for the other index it STUCK in a KitchenAid mixer when I was 9 or 10. STUCK inbetween the beaters...those beaters in those days were welded into one finger was amongst the mangled mess. Sure you've all head this glad Rhonda was there to "save the day". ;) Hee hee. My message today? Take care of your pointers. For they help you point, use the "T, G, R, F, E" keys on your keyboard along with MANY other things busy mommies need our pointers for. Don't chop, smash and mixer them. K?


Amy said...

Poor Sambo! Sad, yet amusing :)

Andie Lou said...

Just be happy that I wasn't there to 'help' on the other injurious occasions. Love you! (rhonda)

jlcumber said...

Like Amy said...I did wince and then smiled. Sorry sweetie!