Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blogging Schmogging

This other person currently living in my home read my blog. For maybe the first time ever. After the exciting tales about the summer that the kids and I had enjoyed... his beef? I commented that the "real spark plugs" of the family had done the siding removal. Not good. So, maybe I will stick to postings about nothing. How about this "Back to School" gem from my sissy, sent to me in an email.

Btw...Which aisle is patience on? I need the bulk/economy size.

Anyway, get a load of this..

How to fail a test with dignity.

Notice the memo line.

Took me just a sec on this one... :)


jlcumber said...

Hang in there. I love your blogging and the truth hurts sometimes. They can deal.

jlcumber said...

OH AND! I love the ear rings! I totally forgot I need to send something out! Glad you remembered!

Jan said...

Deep, Sam, deep.

Sam said...

Jen: You're most welcome!!

Amy said...

The elephant in the way is my most favorite! I feel your pain...I just never know which post might get me in the dog house :) Men!

Sam said...

Why doesn't he just go on about his life like I don't he does the other 99.9% of the time. That's our arrangement. It seems to work beautifully.

Jan said...

Blogging Schmogging, get on with it Sam.

Anonymous said...

I love those math problems/answers...those could SO have been ME! I remember once on a short, one page paper for Greg Monahan that I was to compare and contrast Machivelli and George Bush (Sr)and I wrote a TWO page paper on why I didn't have the time to get up to speed on both Machivelli and current politics as a full-time student, single mother of a special needs child...that I barely made it through each day and that at that present time I had nothing left to give him. I didn't want a negative score for just blowing off the assignment, and managed to at least get a zero, and a comment that said something like "rarely am I rendered speechless, but you just did it...and for God sakes, remember to VOTE!" Love you Blog Sam...keep goin'!