Happy Birthday T. T-Bone, T-Bone Marone, Tistan, Twisty Bread, Twist, Tisty Doodle Little Poodle Schmakka Wakka Lacka Doodle, Baby Boo, Boo Boo, Buddy Bear, Honey Bunches of Oats, Boodley Boo. He's going to love all these names when I meet his prom date some day, dont'cha think?
So, my baby boy is 6. I remember his birth quite well. It was a quick one. About 1/2 hr between the first major bearing down type labor pain and the actual birth. Even the doctor didn't get to come and play with us. Just me, Mom, Jason, nurse and baby boy. It took me awhile to learn the changing diaper tricks of baby boys. I did alot of wash those first couple of weeks. Finally I called my friend, mother of two boys, and she gave me the lowdown. How come no one told me boys were so different? Can't believe that he is six, but he is still my baby. He used to say instead of a (the article) he would say I. So, he would say, "I want I cookie. "I want I new toy." Pretty cute. Plus, one whole summer he called me Mommatoo. "I wan Mommatoo." I spent the whole summer wondering where the heck Mommaone was, because I could have used her dang help. :)
Anyway, he is a joy to my heart. The sweetest little man God put on our planet, but yet still all boy. I am just enjoying his purity before the evils of boy/manhood corrupt him. He's a doll baby. Sweet, kind and pure. He says to me quite frequently, "Mama, you look BEAUTIFUL today." Then I hand him the traditional $20 reward. It's a good system we have worked out. Also, the other day, he made me a 'prize. He snuck out and got my favorite lawn chair, set it all up, got me my favorite diet soda and my novel and had me all fixed up. Then led me out there with my eyes shut for the big reveal. He knows how to treat ladies, I will tell you that. He's going to be such good husband/father material someday. Here are some highlights from the big birthday party. It was a fun day. Fishpond, pinata and transformers. Pretty great day.Four gun-toting six year olds. Yee Haw!!
Yep, that's an authentic Red Ryder. He was PRETTY 'cited to see that baby. Mom's decision. What do you think? You think he'll put his eye out? :)
Love it that I got the shot at the exact moment the head of the transformer was detached from the body. Good swing you say? Yes, he's a hitter, that one. :)
The manna from Transformer heaven.
Two SWEET angels running the fish pond. Aren't they just darling?
Cupcakes and birthday crown at kindergarten. Love birthdays at school. I will miss these days when they are gone. Such excitement from a little tiny cake and some frosting. The look on his face reminds me of his favorite saying..."That's what I'm talkin' about SWEET MMMAMA!!"
Good old fashioned fish pond. This is how we dooze it. Check out the cameras capturing his every birthday move. Too cute.
This is the cake Mom and I whipped up for him. Mom was not terribly impressed with her own handiwork. I, on the other hand, was. It was Optimus Prime's face, duh. TBone even said so right when he looked at it! Mom so totally rocks at cakes. Thank goodness for her, or my whole THEMED birthday efforts would be a bust.
You see, every year we choose a theme...like every good party should have. Everything matches, and the themes run through the clothes chosen for the kids, the decor, the games we play, etc.. One of our family friends never fails to mention how everything follows the theme. He's a 20 year old man, so it is highly amusing to him. Here's a rundown of the birthday parties to date, if you are looking for ideas:
3-Scooby Doo
5-My Little Pony
1-Baby Bears "1" theme
3-Spider Man
5-Hot Wheels
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
We really must get the man cubs together to bond. I think they would be the best of cousin friends as long as Tbone didn't mind be arrested over and over again. Here's an idea...come do your solo parenting thing here. I have a basement you can call your own. It could be like polygamy. No? I'll do the cleaning & you can do the cooking. Think about it!
SO SO Cute and fun. You are the bestest mom! Great Cake too! Leanna will have to do that one next for one of the boys. Love it Sam-Bo!!! :)
Cute cute boy, cute cute pics, cute cute new layout.
I can't get my husband to stop saying "poppin sonofabitch" it's all he ever says then he giggles like a girl. He loves him some uncle Lyles.
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